16 Total Dreamers 
15 Dreamers
3rd day of the First Hand in the Month of SeKara
13 ahn 27 ehn
Hulneth Island
Hulneth's Forest
. a secret to be kept ..
Alcove/Training Room
House of DragonHeart
The Ancient Ones
GRP - The Crossroads
.|. In Omnia Paratus .|.
.|.. Vindica Te Tibi ..|
The House of Lycus
Calculus - of the Build
CarrieProperty of Calcul
...Merchant of Love...
The Dreaded Tuchuk
White Bosk Camp
calypso{WBC}mat slaveWhi
City of Kamras
Secluded Gardens
The Kataiians
City of Turia
=-= jezz =-=[City Slave
---- Its only Dark when
.Daímonas tou Gor.
Lorelei of TuriaApprenti
[--] [ mita ] [--][First
.Daímonas tou Gor.
The Pit
Tuchuk: Crimson Plains
The Crimson Wilds
Schendi Sanctuary
Covet of pulldowns
          In Loving Memory of Aamor
Gorean Information Center
0 Dreamers
Sins in Storyville
Sins in the Swamp
0 Dreamers
Obsidian Galaxy
Dragon Island