The Concept

This general Gorean role-play (GRP) room covers lands within the central Gor region.

The terrain varies from sparsely wooded areas and scattered Ka-la-na thickets growing along the roads, to sweeping fields of Sa-tarna and meadows of wildflowers. There are no dense forests; rather those that dare move on foot, travel in caravans or mounted on their high tharlarion, keeps the land well traveled and the wilderness kept at bay.

These lands are never still which leaves travellers uncertain what they will encounter. Perhaps on your journey you will come upon a Merchant traveling to sell their wares; a Slaver with baubles on his chain; dangerous Outlaws that are ready and eager to ambush; escapes slaves and captives of war, or simply people from various lands making their journey to far-flung destingations.

What ever your reason is for travel, one must ensure they are brave enough to encounter the uncertainty, the mystersies, the excitement and the dangers of Gor.

All Gorean section and Portal of Dreams site rules apply to all role-play that happens within this general role-play room. Please use the links provided above to inform and enhance your Gorean role-play experience.

All combat in non-safe areas is governed by Alter Realm Open Combat Rules and is subject to judgement, as with any other disputed role-play. All disputes needing judgment will entail both sides attempting to agree upon a judge and posting on the PoD Forums for said judgment. If a judge cannot be agreed upon, a Gor Site Judge will render the verdict.

ALL GRP Common Sense Guildelines and other rules apply, however we have listed some for easy reference. All rules can be found HERE.

The Basics

  • 1. Anonymous names, as well as improperly themes named (like Vampire Slayer!) are not in good taste, so please refrain from using them. You must use your Gorean Character's name, even if lurking
  • 2. Mirror rules regarding kills, captures and collaring will apply.
  • 3. You are free to use our GRP rooms and silently observe, meditate or quietly learn. We won't hold it againt you, so long as you are practicing good manners and using your roleplay name! Once you break your silence, in any fashion, you are fair game and subject to the harsh realities of this room.
  • 4. There is NO OOC in any of the GRP rooms. You are responsible for every word that you utter, whether you are in character or not, and will be held accountable IN CHARACTER for any words you say. This does NOT Apply to Staff Business. If a Mod, or Admin is speaking to you for site purposes, then of course it isn't IN Character. This shouldn't have to be said, but apparently it had to be addressed.