Welcome To The Get Away

**This is a Private ROOM. Please read The Get Away RULES before you enter** The rules of LADY DEPUTY's Estate are simple and are expected to be followed by all visitors. OOC harassment or character crossing will NOT be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. Doing either is sufficient grounds for removal and banning. The Default entry name and or Anonymous name will be be removed from My home without the courtesy of a warning. If chatters cannot extend common courtesy, expect none from the Room Leader. Upon entering My Home, do remember YOU are fully accountable for Your words and or actions IC or OOC while here. Anonymous chatters will be asked to take a name. This is nothing more than common courtesy, which is expected of all chatters. We do not allow gender bending here.

Set deep within the mountains of Tennessee, hidden away from the rest of society, is the great Estate built by the Deputy family in the early 1930s. Built as a refuge for the rich and powerful, it was meant to be a place where they could come and let loose of all their inhibitions. For the rules they had to adhere to at home meant nothing in this place. Here the rich could become servants, the powerful could become playthings, or they could exhibit all their authority and power as Master/Mistress and Lords over their subs or slaves as they willed it. Over the years the great Estate has been run by One in the DEPUTY family known Only as "LADY". Many have questioned over time if it is still the same Woman as when it first opened, or is it the great grand child of the first LADY DEPUTY.

The Estate known as The GetAway is a place of mysteries and wonder. The building sits on over 20,000 acres of lands protected by its Own Police Force and Guard Staff. No longer only for the rich and famous, now any can enter its gates. Once inside it has been known to change people's lives. Some have called it The most Private Estate known with LADY DEPUTY as their HOST. Others cannot recall what had happened to them with in the halls of The GetAway, except that they know they MUST return. This is a Private ROOM. This is a NO DRAMA Room.

Outside there is a facility for Members and Damora to practice with His weapons. Remember to wear protective ear gear and gloves when entering this area as many will be practicing with their hands in the boxing ring and handling firearms inside.

We offer a full kitchen stocked with many foods and drinks and various types of serves are the only serves allowed in My Home. Refreshment serves are allowed, as are open consensual productive conversations. When role-play isn't occurring, We also have a Great Storyteller Room, The Arena and Events subroom, which a story may be the highlight of the day or even picture posting of a non-sexual nature are always welcome. Come Relax and enjoy The GetAway, a truly No Drama room! Thirsty? Go to The GetAway Alcove subroom and enjoy.

***During ALL events in The GetAway room ALL room rules apply. They are listed right here on Our entrance page. Thank you. Please note: The Get Away Room Rules and Role-play Rules apply here.

This is not BDSM or Gor. All Masters, Mistresses, and their slaves or submissives and servants are welcome here AS LONG AS all the room rules are followed. This room is designed to be a GetAway, to be with Your Master, Mistress, or chat with Others. No scening, whipping, beating, or any other type of sexual acts will be permitted in the open. If You wish to be with Your slave or submissive or servant please take it to PM ONLY! All sexually oriented posts will be in PM ONLY. Do enjoy Our 2 subrooms, The Alcove and The Arena and Events subrooms, where daily hilarious pic postings in the arena and events room now going on. Need a laugh? Come on in as these furry friends certainly will make you laugh! Please use the travel button in the room on the far right upper corner to enjoy pic postings by Everyone.

The rules of LADY DEPUTY's Estate are simple and are expected to be followed by all visitors. OOC harassment or character crossing will NOT be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. Doing either is sufficient grounds for removal and banning. The Default entry name and or any Anonymous name will be be removed from My home without the courtesy of a warning.

If chatters cannot extend common courtesy, expect none from the Room Leader. Upon entering My Home, do remember YOU are fully accountable for Your words and or actions IC or OOC while here. Anonymous chatters will be asked to take a name. This is nothing more than common courtesy, which is expected of all chatters.

**Our subrooms are password protected. You may request a password Only from The Room Leader.**

Room Rules are as follows. The Rules here are final, end of story. Respect ALL the rules listed above and below this post. There are NO Exceptions! Again this is a No Drama Room!

Failure to follow Rules will cause swift removal from The Room. Period!

The GetAway is a room designed to have Members from All Realms and Their slaves, submissives, or servants come and enjoy a serve and to spend alone time with their Master or Mistress.

The Rules here are final. End of story.

No scening, whipping, beating, or any other type of sexual acts will be permitted in the open. If You wish to be with Your slave or submissive or servant please take it to PM ONLY! All sexually oriented posts will be in PM ONLY.

ANY MAJOR ROLEPLAY MUST BE APPROVED BY LADY DEPUTY, including names of characters, situations, and time frame. Her email is ladydeputy@portalofdreams.com

Avatar sizes are not limited due to preferences of avatar makers and role-play requirements within existing role-play.

General Rules:

1-The rules here are very simple, Enjoy Yourself!!!!! This means NO OOC, none allowed. Leave your RT persona behind. Period. RT is Not allowed in My Room. The Rules here are final, end of story. The excuse of NOT knowing the rules will NOT be accepted here! No harassing of chatters, M/members, or Moderators shall be permitted, Period!

2-No Avatars, posts, or text that promotes racism, religious, or sexist bigotry shall be permitted in the room.

3-No Java Scripts posted in the room will be permitted.

4-No name-calling or posting personal information about chatter shall be permitted. There is NO Exception, Period!

5-No single digit chat names such as periods, questions marks, or single numbers shall be used. No anonymous names or dots. All anon's Period WILL be booted/Removed from This room! To be here You best have a name. Anyone without a PROPER name for observing or just seen as Lurking will be booted without warning.

6-No html codes shall be posted that disrupts the room or chatters in any way.

7-No arguing in public shall be permitted which is disruptive to the room.

8-No harassing of chatters, M/members, or Moderators shall be permitted, Period!

9-No threats against another chatter or Mod shall be permitted. Swift Removal Will be Implemented!

10-It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the chatter to read the front door BEFORE entering My Home. Only ONE character is allowed here, Period. The only exceptions are if LADY DEPUTY has allowed such for Role-players that may take on 1-5 characters.

11-Posting of other chat site addresses in public or any chatter trying to lure other chatters to another chat site in public is prohibited.

12-Do Not post Y/your icq number, yahoo id, yahoo user name, MSN, or ANY email address in an open chat room or on Our Message Boards! Do note this rooms entrance page was written by LADY DEPUTY and Her Members.

13-The Private Estate of LADY DEPUTY room entry rules listed on entrance page. During ALL events in My room ALL room rules apply they are listed right on Our entrance page. The rules of LADY DEPUTY's Estate are simple and are expected to be followed by all visitors. OOC harassment or character crossing will NOT be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. Doing either is sufficient grounds for removal and banning. The Default entry name and or Anonymous name will be be removed from My home without the courtesy of a warning. If chatters cannot extend common courtesy, expect none from the Room Leader. Upon entering My Home, do remember YOU are fully accountable for Your words and or actions IC or OOC while here. Anonymous chatters will be asked to take a name. This is nothing more than common courtesy, which is expected of all chatters. The graphics and webpages are Hers and The GetAway and are not to be copied or used without sole written permission by LADY DEPUTY. Any duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited! Thank You.

Memorial Page

For those we have lost.


In Memory of Kaun