Welcome To The City of Tharna

Our home is unique in that we're post-Tarl Cabot and not strictly pre- or post-revolutionary. In Outlaw of Gor, Tarl encouraged the citizens of Tharna to basically lighten up and enjoy life. Gone is the drab gray that permeated the city under the Silver Masks. 

Our city doesn't have the towering cylinders that other cities do, but ours are brightly painted and decorated. Our high bridges do not have railings any longer. Our streets have brightly colored cobblestones placed in patterns that are artistically pleasing to the eye. Our gardens flourish. Our citizens wear their Caste robes of varied colors proudly, rather than the drab gray robes with a simple Caste patch. Our streets are filled with laughter, haggling at the markets, spirited conversation, and the calling out of greetings to one another. 

The Silver Masks are gone. 

The 10th ahn rule is no longer enforced so visitors are not automatically captives of Tharna. 

Men are not immediately collared to the city when they come through our gates, and Women are not required to dress as a slave and be led on a leash through the city when visiting. 

However, the people of Tharna elected to retain being ruled by a Tatrix and her Council. While the Council will have Free Women upon it, the Free Men of the city are not ignored. They are active Advisers to the Tatrix and some will ascend to a Council position. Some of the old traditions have continued, though, and that includes those who choose to live outside of the walls. While most of these Goreans are peasants who live on tributary lands that Tharna claims rights to and protects, some of our citizens also live outside of the walls. The lands are regularly patrolled by Tharna's Guards, and the wise Gorean would not risk angering the peasants, for they are true masters of the feared Peasant Bow and not afraid to use it.


By entering Tharna, you agree to all of our rules as follows: 

1. This home is a modified kill/capture/collar zone - mirror rules apply (if we can't do it in your home, you can't do it in here). Captures/Collars are done by members only and captives/slaves are collared to Tharna. Only members of Tharna may kill the slaves here. All judgments of these events, including any combat in the city's arena, will be done by the Tatrix. In the event that combat directly involves the Tatrix, then the Room Leader reserves the right to choose a judge to rule on the combat. Default combat system at this time: Prodigy

2. All POD Site Rules will be followed.

3. Keep all OOC out of the role-play. Skype and other IM programs are not Gor and issues from them will not be used in the course of role-play. The fastest way to get role-play invalidated by the Room Leader, and to get a possible room ban, is to bring OOC grudges, character-crossing, or other issues that caused OOC hurt feelings into the role-play of Tharna. We are not a themed chat room; we're here to role-play. If you wish to chat with someone OOC, take it to PM's. If you continue to disrupt any ongoing role-play with your OOC chat, you will be given one warning by the Room Leader or Room Moderator. Failure to take your chat to PM's subject you to being booted by the Room Leader or Room Moderator.

4. Our beloved Room Leader was Aliyyah Mercator (Aliyyah the Magnificent), whose Noble Memory we cherish, celebrate and pay tribute to by continuing Her work. At the vote of the High Council of the City of Tharna, Oksana Shaza'ar was elected to succeed Aliyyah the Magnificent as Tatrix. She has the final say in all disputes, IC or OOC, occuring in Tharna. In Her absence, Ambassador Rang will fill in.

5. Avatar size limits: 800 pixels wide x 550 pixels tall. Slaves should wear tastefully nude avatars. Tharna does not want to be seeing every naked inch of a slave running around the city or palace.

6. Secondary characters are allowed in Tharna when used by Room Members to enhance RP. Those playing primary characters that are the opposite sex of the typist must first speak to the Room Leader before engaging in role-play here.

7. You must have a proper name to enter Tharna. Bootsy, and other variations of anon-type names, will not get a warning before being booted from the room.

8. Observers are allowed but must wear the -O- designation. Failure to do so makes the observer subject to room rules regarding capturing and/or collaring. Observers and visitors may do to for a time, after such we ask that you join the roleplay without observer tags. 

9. Outlaws: Enter at you own peril. Tharna will not hesitate to impale an outlaw on the spikes along the walls at the main gates.

10. Tharna has been declared a Safe Haven for Panthers and Talunas, however, by entering our City limits, they agree to adhere to all rules and regulations of conduct. However, they are permitted to wear their Forest/Jungle attire during their stay if they so choose. 

11. Assassins: You will need to speak to the Room Leader before attempting to carry out a mark in Tharna. Come prepared with scripts of how you tracked your mark to this city. If it is determined that a mark has been placed because of OOC reasons, then go and give your gold coin back because you will not be hunting in Tharna.

12. Raids: Fun raids may happen if there are two Free Men of Tharna present. No captures of Free Women or slaves will occur during these raids. No maiming or killing will occur during these raids. The moment the raid devolves into complaining about who did what, the raid will be ended and the visiting raiders will need to immediately depart. If raiders hang around to continue to complain either IC or OOC, they will be helped out through the gates with the use of Room Leader or Room Moderator boots.

13. Tharna is a big city with lots of Warriors in positions of gate guards, city guards, and palace guards. NPCs can be used to aid in the capture and disarming of anyone who breaks our city laws, especially with regard to attempting to take the life of one of our citizens. You are not Superman. One mighty swing of your sword will not magically kill the Tharnan Warriors who will descend upon you. If you don't like the fact that NPCs can be used to take you down, don't enter Tharna with mayhem and murder in mind.

14. Free Men: If you are new to Tharna, remember that you must adapt to our culture. Tharna will not adapt to yours. All citizens of Tharna are to be treated with respect if you wish to remain unscathed in our city. Our slaves will not call you Jarl or Pasha or any other title held by foreign regions. Keep in mind that you may be asked to disarm in order to meet with the Tatrix or Her Council. Your weapons will be returned when you are safely out of Her, or Her Council's, presence.

15. Free Women: Robes of concealment and veils were commonplace in Gor's major cities and Tharna is no exception to that rule. While we do not require veiled avatars, it would behoove you, especially if you are visiting, to be properly dressed when entering our gates. You will want to ensure that your avatar does not show too much skin, does not display earrings or choker-type necklaces, and does not have an overly suggestive expression. You must adapt to our culture. Tharna does not adapt to yours. If you are unsure of your avatar, enter without it and request that the Room Leader give a ruling on whether or not it will be appropriate to be worn within our walls. You may have NPC escorts. Be aware that if you do not conduct yourself as a Free Woman of Gor would, you may find yourself in a Tharna collar. 

16. Slaves: Slaves did not wander about Gor as if they were Free persons. Slaves would also not have NPC escorts. Any slave whose home is not on our Trade Agreements board will not be able to travel to and from Tharna without their Owners. If your Owner can't accompany you, bypass our gates. Slaves from homes with whom Tharna has no agreement will be subject to immediate capture and confinement. Word will be sent to the Owner and/or Home with the fee to be paid for housing the wandering slave. If, after 7 r/t days, the slave is not claimed by the Owner or Home, then the slave becomes the property of Tharna and will be re-collared to the city. Slaves without collars may observer as any other observer. Slaves collared within Tharna will be collared to the City for a period of 2 weeks. After such time, they will be able to earn a personal collar.

17. Messengers: The only messengers accepted here are Free Persons. Men should wear the yellow-slashed helm recognized across Gor. Women may wear a yellow sash. Enter with your Gorean name, the messenger slash or sash, and the name of the citizen to whom you need to speak. Keep it in PM's. Make it quick. Messengers did not come to chit-chat. Slaves do not get messengers, nor will we allow slaves to come to Tharna to deliver messages. Should a home send a slave as a messenger, Tharna will consider the slave a nice gift and keep the slave. There will not be negotiations for the return of the slave. Consider this the only warning.