Welcome to the Northern Forests of the Post

The Laurius is a winding, long, gentle, slow river. It does not have the breadth and current which are the terrors of the titanic Vosk farther to the south, well below Ko-ro-ba, though well above Ar, which is said to be the greatest city of all known Gor. The Laurius, like the Vosk, flows in a generally westernly direction, though the Laurius inclines more to the southwest then the great Vosk.
Captive Of Gor

"Those are the great forests. No one knows how far they extend to the east, and they go north as far as Torvaldsland. In them there are the forest people, but also many bands of outlaws, some of women and some of men." "Women?" I asked. "Some call them forest girls," said Ute. "Others call them the panther girls, for they dress themselves in the teeth and skins of forest panthers, which they slay with their spears and bows."
Captive Of Gor

Some girls attempt to flee to the greenwood forests of the north. In such forests, in certain territories, there roam bands of free women, the lithe, ferocious Panther Girls of Gor, but these despise and hate women not of their own fierce ilk; in particular do they revile and hold in contempt girls, beauties, who have been slaves to men; should such a girl, fleeing, enter the cool vastness of their green domain, she is commonly hunted down like a tabuk doe and cruelly captured; the forests are not for such as she; she is tethered and bound, and often lashed, then driven by switches helplessly to the shores of Thassa or the banks of the Laurius, and then sold back to men, usually for weapons or candy.
Slave Girl of Gor

The common Gorean shark is nine-gilled. There are many varieties of such shark, some of which, like the marsh shark and the sharks of the Vosk and Laurius, are adapted to fresh water.

Northern Forests of the Post room rules

  • Members are encouraged to check the Forums before coming in about what may have been done or other news.

  • PoD Site Rules apply.

  • We are a Kill/Capture/Collar Zone & Mirror Zone; if we can't do it in your home, it cannot be done in ours.

  • This room is under Leadership of a Council of various respected Members of the Laurius Trading Post.

  • OPEN scening is allowed and encouraged in places like alcoves, villas, and other areas that would be considered private.

  • Know Your place. You chose your role, you chose to accept it, You are responsible for it.

  • Everyone will be held accountable for their actions in rp. Be it a slave, FW or FM.

  • Dueling is not allowed by anyone.

  • We are not accepting raids at this time. This will change when the room grows to accommodate.

  • Prodigy is the combat system recognized here in Laurius Trading Post. Any combat will be judged by the Captain of Guard, Bejar, unless He is involved.

  • A proper name is required to enter. Anonymous names are not allowed. Anyone entering not wearing an ~O~ or ~o~ will role play or be removed from the room after being warned.

  • Respect is expected by all who enter. Harassment and character-crossing will not be tolerated. Come in a treat others as you would want to be respected in your own home. Expect to be escorted out the door if you cannot comply.

  • Messengers are welcomed as long they come in wearing full complete Gorean name along with the yellow-slash denoting they are a messenger and no disruption made to the role play within the room. Deliver the message, wait for a response (if applicable), then leave. Please do not come in to whine because you seen so-and-so on the crossroads. Be Gorean and deal with it on your own. I won't be able to realistically see the person there. If someone is on the crossroads, they are fair game.

  • Free men and women are expected to be active in the Post. There will be provisions allowing for the "purchase" of a home and/or business (i.e., having your own pull-down in the menu) based upon your role play activity.

  • Even though LTP is on the northern border of central Gor, We are still a home ruled by Merchant Law and Gorean Customs. This includes Free Woman behaving themselves. Examples that would fringe on proper behavior would be that of sexual nature or excessive drinking. A FW showing sexual desire/activity or being drunk in public will if found out be escorted to the brig in the Guard House and later ruled upon by the Council, though slavery will be the most likely outcome.

  • There is an OOC pull down to be used minimally, for a greeting or to ask a whisper. You are still responsible for everything you say whether in character or out of character. This means that you are responsible for every word you speak, whether you said it while in-character or claiming out-of-character. You will be held accountable in-character.

  • Greeting order for slaves:
    Your owner if you are owned
    FM as you encounter them or addressed by them
    FW as you encounter them or addressed by them
    slaves as you encounter them

  • Respect for Free: Slaves are required to be respectful at all times, to all Free. Slaves will not speak aggressively to Free persons, even amidst debate and disagreement.

  • Respect for other slaves: Slaves will be respectful to each other. Squabbling is not pleasing. Slaves will not purposely perpetuate arguments with other slaves.

  • A slave's purpose is to be pleasing at all times. All slaves are expected to strive toward that goal always.

  • Always ask to PM a Free or slave before doing so.

  • If there is an issue, with anyone, feel free to PM one of the Council Members, to see if can get things resolved peacefully.