1. No canon characters: If a character has been in any of the Anita Blake or Merry Gentry Books, they won't be allowed here. Use your imagination and come up with your own timeless character!

2. No storylines that involve pregnancy, NPC children, or the like won't be allowed. Especially with the involvement of Vampires and Lycans, such things can get rather complicated, messy, and contraversial, so the easiest way is to simply leave it out all together.

3. Characters can only come from the approved factions. There are limitless directions to go when dealing with LKH, but at this time, we won't be allowing panweres, lamias, or nagas. There are plenty of other lycan factions that can and need to be filled before getting into such.

4. There are four different types of characters allowed here. Humans, Vampires, Lycanthropes, and the Fey. Anything outside of that is not appropriate for this realm.

5. Keep all OOC out of IC storylines. Drama and immaturity will -not- be tolerated here. We're all adults and here for an enjoyable roleplay experience, so lets act like it. If OOC drama is brought into the room, the room controllers will waste -no- time in asking the offending parties to leave.

6. Every character MUST have an approved bio handed in before they will be allowed to play here. You can come in and play for two weeks before said bio must be in, but no major room wide roleplay can occur until you're approved. Hanging out, getting a feel for the room, observing are all things that are allowed, but to get involved within the play, the bio must first be handed in.

7. Everyone is allowed -seven- characters in total. Of those seven, only -one- can be the leader of a race or faction. I.E. Joe Blow has five characters, he chooses to be the Ulfric of the wolves, this is one "Leader" position. Also, out of those seven characters, you are only allowed -four- alpha/master/strong characters total. Your other three must be either beta/omega/lesser of some sort. This is to insure that not any one player holds all power positions. It gives everyone a chance to move around in ranks, and step into fun leadership, and guidance positions. This is something that the room controllers -will- keep an eye on, because it is important to not have any one player with too many irons in the fire!

8. If there are any disputes, they will be taken to the room leader. The room leader's word is -final-. For the most part, we're all adults, faction leaders will be left to deal with their own factions as they see fit.

9. God Modding will -not- be tolerated here. Every character has flaws and weaknesses. It can't -always- be your way or the highway. If this type of behavior persists, the character, and perhaps the player, will not be allowed to continue playing within the room

10. Have fun! This is an advanced roleplay room and creativity allows for a lot of space and unique ideas to be harvested and seen to fruition within this room. Enjoy each other's creations and storylines!