Cara is in general a peaceful room, but if the urge comes across the players to spar, the rules for doing so are as follows.

A) Cara is a no kill room. So chopping someone's head off will obviously not be allowed. If you want to kill one another, take it to a room that allows that. And if you do get killed, please be kind enough to respect that and not play a dead character in Cara Castle.

B) The challenger of the spar will have first post, unless agreed upon by both characters otherwise.

C) The spars time limit will consist of 5 posts, Using 3 attacks, and 2 defends per post. The time limit between posts, will be held to 10 minutes starting from the previous time stamp of your opponents last post. If less posts are wished for, then use 3.

D) There is no Force Posting or Speed posting allowed. This means describe what you do not what you do to your opponent. If you enter into a spar, you must also allow your opponent the allotted time to post. If either combatant posts twice in a row, they will automatically void the spar.

E) No one is invincible. If you enter into a spar, you are going to get tagged once if not more. Be realistic. Likewise, a good role player knows when he has been beaten.

F) If there is a discrepancy between the two characters in the spar as who won, the spar can be e-mailed to the rooms e-mail and will be reviewed by the Queen of the Castle. Her decision is final on this matter. Be honorable in defeat as well as victory.

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Any use of these names or any obvious variations of them or materials from this page or linked web sites pertaining to Cara Castle, without expressed written permission, is strictly prohibited.