Rules:1. The Exchange is a No Kill/Capture/Collar/Raid zone for the outlaws and traders who frequent the exchange point. HOWEVER, free women and slaves, if accompanied by a male, while trading, will be permitted. Uncollared slaves are still free pickings.. 2. This is not a forced collar/capture/kill room 3. As in all Gorean rooms, Respect is Paramount! 4. You are held accountable for your roleplay and your actions within this room.. 5. Entry posts must be done before interacting with another role player. 6.Respect your fellow roleplayer, and there are here to have fun as well. 7. Visitors are welcome to watch. Just taking a name is all we ask. Uncollared slaves, if involved in rp, will be collared. 8. Slaves wearing no collars will be collared if they appear in the sections where frees are present. Slaves with legitimate collars will not be collared and can come and go, as long as they have their owners' permission. 9. Using pull-downs is ABSOLUTELY mandatory. If you are not on the same pulldown, the role-play will not be valid, Period! No exceptions. 10. There is NO God Modding in here, no magically poofing from one section of the territory to another. You will be ignored if not following the rules of the room. 11. This is not a chat room. If you come in using OOC, you will be asked to take it to PMs. You will be booted from the room if you are told more than twice. 12. Assassins would not come to find our lair. Take your hunt somewhere else. rules.Have fun making the roleplay as real as you can, and most of all, have fun.. There are scouts in the forest that do look over the exchange on their land, don’t be foolish and end up in a cage for breaking our rules. The peace of the LEP WILL be maintained. Offensive, boastful, insulting, or abusive language and violence or threats of any kind aside from the valid capture of wandering free women and slaves will result in automatic booting! .. |