The Alinjah Realm was created by the Goddess known as Tennarrathe. The soul purpose of the realm being created was for the shadows and those who were of the true shadow race known as the shadowwalker demons The shadowwalker demons were created, not of the true actual demonic race, but to be the soul protector of the shadows and those who walk in the shadows. Little did Tennarrathe realize the realm she had created was about to become nearly extinct by a war so evil, so vile it could destory the extistance of the shadowwalker demon race. This war caused by a sword created by the one who becomes the mother of the shadows..

The General Rules

All Site rules apply to this room, no exceptions to be made.

1) Please be respectful to everyone in both roleplay and ooc. I will not tolerate disrespect from anyone
when roleplaying, please be respectful of people and their rps as well..if you want to involve someone or do something that involves someone elses character you must first talk to that person get their permission.

2) No god moding is allowed, if you are caught god moding, all roleplay involved will be voided.

3) Gender bending is allowed, I ask that all be respectful of this..even if you dont approve of it, it is my room and I approve of it.

4) God and goddess characters are welcome to be played..please read the rules below for the gods and goddess characters, I am strict on them for my own reasons.

5) Copying of peoples characters: i am not comfortable with due to the fact that that character was worked hard on by that person and if they are killed off its for a reason. If you play a character that can copy someone else's characters, you will need to make changes to this because this I will not allow.

6) No one this includes mods admins and room leaders as well is to make any changes what so ever to the storyline..any ideas must go through me first..I might like the idea and let it happen or I might not. the worst that can happen, is I say no and move on from it.

7) Multi characters are allowed and highly encourged..please come in and play anything you wish to play...there is no judgement of characters no judgement of what you make..if you created a race, they will be welcomed with open arms.

God and Goddess Character Rules

1) Everyone is allowed to play atleast one God and one Goddess character, there will be no more then that from each person.

2) There is only Goddess of the realm that is more powerful then anyone and that is Tennarrathe.

Tennarrathe actually runs the realm as she is the creator of the realm. When entering the realm with a god or goddess character, You are either considered a child to her, or a guest.

3) Please be respectful to people not playing a god or goddess character..Gods and Goddesses can be more powerful then someone elses character, and any events involving that persons character, the god or goddess character will need to be invited into the event of that character...

4) Remember everything in this realm, in this roleplay can be harmed and can be killed off..that includes a god or goddess character.

5) Gods and Goddesses are not allowed to take part in the war. Their soul purpose is to protect the lands that are in the safe zones, and caught in between zones. They are not permitted at all to par take in any kind of rp involving the danger zone. Again, gods and goddesses are the more of the powerful beings within alinjah, they have the power to end the war at any given time, which then ends the rp of alinjah..please respect me in this decision.

If a god or goddess is caught within the danger zone area, they will be stripped of their powers and will be considered a mortal until they leave the danger zone and return to the safe zones..however, their powers will not be returned fully for a week.

The Alinjah Realm