
There was a time when New Orleans had its own special place, where the port town boasted legalized prostitution, along with all of the town's other charms. It was a signal to the known world that here, the denigrated lowest of the low were protected, in some measure.

Of course, this all would change, as things tend to do. But New Orleans would come to know more than just what she was given by the outside world.

So come, traveler - to the New Orleans of one's dreams. Here, you will find a city lifted up by the "lowest of the low" - where you are as likely to encounter vampires as you are to get drunk with lycanthropes, be seduced by witches, or watch the Pied Piper of Pigeon Town parade zombies down St. Charles as the streetcar passes by.

This city is a Sanctuary for the supernatural, and the natives here would have it no other way.

NOTE: This room is frequently home to open sex scenes, and wild stories. Keep all RP consensual on an OOC level, and when you're told no, respect that.

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