One world. Two dimensions. A shimmering bridge that only the most powerful can see. Upon one side of that bridge, there is the Reverie. Upon the other, there is Parabola.


Once, the world was new and powers were at work that was not common to this world. Aliens from another world, accepted as gods here. The balance was established, and it was kept such, even as their lives were recorded by those that took them as gods. But, as time passed, they were forgotten, sliding into the streams of time. Joining the Silent Reverie of their race.

Those left felt the call of imbalance and chaos, the haunting call of a past they had traveled so far to escape. The Titans had found them, and they were amassing followers that would soon bring them back fully into the mortal realm. This could not happen. But, their whispers were causing the imbalance that was stealing the very sanity from the world. A way must be found to stop them, and the awakening of the three brothers, the return to Olympus began the Reverie of what had been, and what could be.

They awakened their powers, bringing the Reverie to renewed energy. Then, they reached out to the supernatural races they had created long ago. Those that had evolved. They needed the Olympian Lords returned, the Olympian Court needed to be restored. The Guardians of the Reverie awakened to their birthrights. The stream sought out those two races, the three brothers combining their power to achieve such.

It came to be that the vampires awakened as they had once been. As they had always meant to be before evolution took them from their rightful place. The males became the Soldiers of Olympus, the keys. The females became the Magic of the Reverie, the doorways. Their familiars, the changelings of the world, were now the Guardians of the Reverie, and they were once more as they had been born to be. No longer could they infect the humans they were meant to protect. Their blood would remain true.

Now, this world has changed, and it is time to become strong enough to stop the apocalypse on the horizon and the Titans seek to return, using the Council of Humanity to achieve their plans. Will the Olympians and the Guardians be able to rebuild in time?


The world of mortals worshipped from afar the gods, and all thrived upon it. They played with mortals, believing it their right. And, yet, the time of man came, pushing back the gods themselves until some faded, hiding from man, within man itself. All but a few of these gods doing this, waiting for an awakening by one of their own.

Persephone moved through time, walking among the mortals as an immortal, pretending to be one thing. She began to bring forward her own blood, dipping it within the mortal bodies. A thirst for life bleeding through those bodies, waiting for a call. Merely needing that spark, freely given, then bathed in the power of not just Persephone, but another god. Millennia pass, and her blood walks, gathering unto themselves guardians, the beasts that wear the flesh of man, but carry the hearts and inner bodies of animals. Powers unto themselves, giving to the waiting throng.

Soon, it is no longer Persephone, for she has worn the face of another so long, that the inner monster lurks down deep. As asleep within as some of her own seem to be. Only at times. It matters little, for the world thrives, and the vampires that are un-awakened gods have sent their power out through the world. Their Syndicate ruling, their base in the heart of Europe. The wait is over….

It is the War of Ireland that awakens them. The Reverie gods are intermixed with those of the being that calls herself Ather. The Guardians of the Syndicate, the Un-Awakened, and these Reverie gods all seek to take back the Ireland that was theirs. This world is theirs. And, it is this battle, this battlefield that Ares of Reverie, and Ather of Parabola combine their powers and awaken all those that were still unaware and asleep. The gods are aware, and Parabola will never be the same….

Once, it was believed that the world had one hundred one dimensions. That time is well past. There are truly only four left. The Gods have always been stingy. So, the saying goes. And, each dimension have their own gods and goddesses. Throughout time, the mortals have always been curious of the gods, the cosmos and the unbelievable. This is merely your pathway into such a world, and just such dimensions. Choose your path, the way will become clear…