Illusion Bay, A quiet unassuming suburb of Bar Harbor Maine. Magnficient Appalachian mountains and thick dense forests framed within a beautiful inlet of the Magestic Atlantic Ocean. An idyllic setting to start over.
Hidden inland in a large wooded area is an abandoned military town, forgotten by time, and reclaimed by nature. Here the Moldavian Kiss and all those who followed them into exile have made their new home. The long task of rebuilding what was once a thriving community of Vampires, Lycans, Humans and other beings alike lies before them after the war that nearly destoyed them and sent them into exile.
In this picturesque setting where Nature is fierce. Will the creatures of the night become the beasts they are storied to be, or will they, at last find peace.
The formal rules will be listed below. Please read over them before choosing to come inside. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you break a rule because you have failed to read
them, you will be given a warning. If you continue to break the rules,
you will be removed from the room.
Thank you, and enjoy your stay in Illusion Bay
Jovana Moldavian
Room Weather
Sun and Moon
. The rules listed here are the basic
and most important rules...more detailed rules can be found on our
website as well as more detailed info about our room. Illusion Bay rules Must be
read before you Can start your role play. Ignorance of our home and its
rules is unacceptable.
. Illusion Bay is a Role Play room, based mostly on Laurell K.
Hamilton's Anita Blake Series, however there are also aspects taken
from the works of Anne Rice, Christine Feehan, Kim Harrison , Sherrilyn Kenyon and others, if
you are looking for a room that heavily follows one structure, Illusion Bay is
probably not the room for you, here we allow our players to pick and
choose aspects they feel work for their characters and it has worked
well for us. Please note that we try to make the room all encompassing
so that all types of characters can be played here.. you could see
everything from vampires, to werewolves, to fey and everything in
between. If you are interested in playing here than join the Message
board and submit your character for approval.. it usually takes less
than 24 hours to get approved and get started
. Please also note that in the world of LKH - Vampires, Lycanthropes
and other preternaturals co-existed with the humans and that is how the
world in Illusion Bay is also based.
. Please also note the terms 'loosely based' which means that not
everything is right out of the books, we wish to leave plenty of room
for the players to expand their creativity... but we also want a
semblance of structure... do not be afraid to submit character ideas...
chances are they will be approved.
. We also have 2 sub rooms in which we play.
Temporal Illusions and Frozen Dreams, Temporal Illusions is where Roleplay set in the future, or at times in the past, takes place and is played out.
Frozen Dreams is set in Alaska and Vermont and their surrounding areas as well as any other non Maine locations that are needed . This is also the room used for the Maine -Country-Farming-Good 'Ol Boys and Girls Roleplay. You
can enter these rooms
from the links further up on this page, or by going
through the main room.
. You must be 18 years or older to roleplay here, if you are found to be role playing in Illusion Bay and are not at least 18, You will be
. We do not require you to become a member of Illusion Bay without first testing
the waters, but if you are playing anything other than a mortal or a
vampire with the basic vampire powers then you will need approval
first. Otherwise feel free to come in observe the rp and interact when
you are ready. If you find you like the room then speak to the room
owner about becoming a full member of the room... you are not required
to purchase a Portal of Dreams membership to rp and be a member in DP
though it is encouraged to those that find the room to their liking.
. OOC based role play will not be tolerated in any shape or form. If
you are found to be doing role plays based on OOC knowledge, the room
leader will have a discussion with you and the role play will be voided.
. Open sexual posting is accepted in Illusion Bay, if this is offensive to you
then simply ignore those posts.
. Harrassment will NOT be tolerated in any way. If you enter Illusion Bay
for the sole purpose of causing trouble you will be removed.
. Real time information about another player is not to be given out
without that persons permission..if you are found to be giving out this
type of information appropriate action will be taken.
. God Moding is absolutely Forbidden...anybody found to be trying to
exhibit God Mode qualities will be quickly dealt with.
. Avatars can be as big or as small as you like, though we generally go with around 800 x 600.
. Please take a proper name upon entering the room, this is so that we
may greet you properly. Person's
entering with the default name, anonymous, ghost
or any other variations of anony names, will be asked
politely to take a name, if they don't, they will be warned,
if a proper name still isn't taken, the person will be booted
from Illusion Bay
. All Portal of Dreams Site Wide Rules are also expected to be read and
The room
leaders and moderators are dacandicane and dalildevil , if you have
problems or comments feel free to contact either of us via the PM feature of
the PoD forums, or Illusion Bays own Message Board.
Illusion Bay has a council known as the Council of Illusions ...these
individuals can easily be recognized by their roleplay codes..if one is
not present when you are needing help then anyone in the room can and
will point you in the right direction.
Special thanks to Torment and the PoD Graphic team for all their hard work in getting the entry page looking so great