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Six months have passed since The Chicago Record wrote the first paragraph that revealed the hidden life that existed within the city.

Vampires, being the most visible of the creatures, have loosely gathered into houses in an effort to show their humanity and willingness to live within the greater human community. Werewolves, less inclined to be sociable, continue to keep mostly to themselves, hiding in plain sight.

Other creatures, witches, shifters have a less than appreciative opinion of humans, work both with creatures and humans. Some find this world easier to bear, others. hold hidden agendas..

Through it all, a young woman owns one of the tallest and most expensive buildings in the city. Though she's not been 'outed', she continues to watch the happenings of the city and does not hesitate to take out anyone she considers a threat.

The law of survival is the rule in Chicago, be the human or creature. Can the creatures merge into the human populace and allow the mortals to relax their guard, or will they break bad as many humans and several aggressive reporters believe.

Danger can lurk anywhere and the unwary may pay through either life or limb, if they're lucky.